Friday, December 17, 2010

The One About The Chiropractor

I had my first visit today. Let me start off by saying he's really really awesome. Firstly, no stupid xrays! Secondly, no preaching about my weight! And he didn't have to use any pressure or anything on my knee to get it back in place.

He told me that knee adjustment was painful but he has whiskey and some sticks to bite down on if I need them. I thought he was kidding. He was only kidding about the whiskey and the sticks.

He massaged the muscles surrounding my knee and then put my legs on either side of his and told me to push in while he pushed outward, which worked out those muscles. That was it! That was my adjustment.

He also did my entire spine. I've never had my spine completely crack but he got every single vertebra! It was really cool. The section in between my shoulder blades has never, ever cracked. It did today and I instantly felt relief. It was very awesome. I'm like on a high from it!!

My knee is tender now though, because he really massaged the muscles and he was actually surprised I wasn't making any noise. I was gritting my teeth and told him "yeah, it hurts, but it's nothing compared to the actual pain"

He was impressed. I am bad ass what can I say? ;)

I do have to get insoles for my shoes though. Turns out, not only am I flat footed beyond all belief, but I also have a shorter left leg than a right leg. By an inch! So no wonder my back was all FUBAR.

I have no idea how much it will cost. I know I need them because I have needed them all my life, for my ankle and what not, so it will be nice to have them again.

He said to slap some heat on my knee if its bothering me. I go in again on Monday.

I am very excited about this guy. He is somewhat of a gamer (when he has time), loves 3D, and he doesn't believe in xrays. I told him you all were wanting to see pics, so he told me to just do an image search, pick the most messed up one I could find, and say I had that. LOL. He also said that my knee wasn't very bad either, I hadn't done any lasting damage.

I also didn't have to pay for anything today. I have a high deductible insurance, but a health savings plan, so he said once he figures it out, I can pay him then. Super cool. Now I can pay all my bills :)

He seems like a very level headed, no non-sense kind of guy. But then again, he also has a limited edition Harry Potter Hogwarts train for his Christmas tree, so he isn't a total prude. We actually got to talking. He's really easy to talk to, and he doesn't use any fancy technical terms. He isn't into acupuncture (though it does work) and he does do massages (hot stone, etc) but says it isn't required for proper care. It feels really good though, I can tell you that much. And my insurance covers part of it, so its like a discount!

All in all, I am very glad that I did my research. He was impressed that I was losing weight, highly recommended Weight Watchers, and told me not to be afraid to exercise, because it will only strengthen my knee. I can't wait to go back.

Bottom line: No x-rays, no surgery, 100% fixable.


  1. wow, you chiropractor sounds pretty cool. It helps when you can connect with your doctor. I have a new dentist and I love that he spent an hour with me explaining my treatment.

    Glad to hear you're fixable... btw, I'm making tamales this saturday and will be using CHEESE...

  2. ooooo an adjustment sounds so nice! I think I will reward myself with a chiro visit when I reach my first 50 lbs lost.

    I used to see a chiro regularly after an accident I had working at Wal-Mart that displaced a vertebrae in my neck and I just loved him. For $35 per visit (because Wal-Mart screwed me over!) I could go in once a week and get cracked and massaged. The only thing he did that I didn't like was adjust my jaw, which he did at every freakin visit! Apparently I clench my teeth so my jaw is always whacked out and after he'd adjust me it would hurt for days! Stop by and say hi, your success is an inspiration!

    p.s. to Paula ... do you live in Vegas by any chance? I wanna come over to your house for supper! :)


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