Sunday, February 22, 2009

What I can do

Last night, one of our friends lost his grandma to a stroke. She had been hospitalized for a week or so, but she couldn't pull out of it. The whole family was there as she left this world for the next, or what ever is beyond. 

He sang to her before she died, and she smiled at him one last time. 

When he told us today that that had happened to his family, I didn't know what I could do to help, other than offer our home to him if he needed to get away for a while or cook him dinner.

At first he refused but I told him to give it some thought and finally he said "...those enchiladas you made were pretty good..." 

So I am making him chicken enchiladas, spanish rice, refried beans with cheese, chips and salsa. We're going to have a fiesta night. Ole!

I can't do much. I can't heal the pain. I can't even ease it, or even really relate. I've been fortunate enough not to lose any of my immediate family or friends. The only funeral I can remember is my grandpa on my Dad's side, and I had only seen him a few times since he lived so far away. 

But what I can do is offer a place to stay, some place where you can just step outside your reality for a while and relax. Fill your tummy with good food and give you a pillow and a blanket when you doze off. 

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