Someone wants us to get involved in a religious debate. Basically saying "you guys are Jesus-freaks, please leave me alone, kthnxbai"
But I'm not going to do that, internet. While I have my own beliefs, and I certainly don't mind discussing religion, any religion, I can't stand talking to ignorant people (of any faith or non-faith) who can't seem to understand why I think or live the way I do.
I have met many a "Christian" who have tried to "save my soul."
Haven't you ever heard of "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink"?
One girl actually got expelled from highschool for harassing a wiccan girl and tried to convert her to Jesus. Left horrible notes in her locker, and stuff.
Another woman told her gay son he wasn't going to live very long if he didn't become celibate, like some ex-gays do. And that she feared his soul was in danger. She couldn't accept her son was gay.
The kid later killed himself. I guess she was right when she said he wouldn't live very long. I wonder if she agonizes over those words every day? I hope so, because that's a terrible thing to say to anyone, especially someone you love.
The list goes on and on, my friends.
Someone in my life is an extreme Christian. One of these days, it will happen when we butt heads.
But I don't want to sit there and argue over things that cannot be determined in this lifetime.
I just want to live my life the way I want, and they, theirs.
I won't be dragged in.
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