Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mother May I?

Wednesday we got our kitties fixed. Oscar was fine. He had a vasectomy (Did you know they do this for animals? I was under the impression they always chopped em off)

Kiwi, not so much. She had six stitches, which she pulled out in three hours. She then had to be rushed back to be stapled, but the vet was about to close so they did a rush job and didn't make sure to staple the sides closed, which lead to....

What they think is either suture reaction or an infection (Went to the 24 hr place for this info, because she was leaking a pus like fluid pretty badly and I didn't want to wait til morning.)

Now she has a cone on her head. The new place (which is expensive, as it was 1 in the morning when I went) took her in the back, gave her a local anesthetic, pulled out the bad staples, cleaned her wound, cut off the dead flesh, then stapled her together properly.

Meanwhile, took Oscar to my Grandma's so he would leave Kiwi alone, I'm sure he's thrilled, he gets to see birds and eat bologna and anything else he wants.

Kiwi on the other hand continues to ooze everywhere, and I can only use warm water to clean it. She is on antibiotics and I've had to double her pain medication because she insists on jumping everywhere.

But she looks up at you (in her cone) and mews like she is asking "Mother, may I take this off yet?"

To which I reply "No, it's your own damn fault you're in it in the first place."

But I'm not heartless, for only a mother can clean a horrible wound with a steady hand even though she's about to bust into tears.

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