I have a bum ankle. Meaning I can't do anything "high impact"
Examples of things I cannot do
Work at a bookstore
Work at a fast food joint
Be a cake decorator (sad face to this one, I love cakes)
Color guard/ flag girl
Marching Band
Balance on one leg
Balance on both legs
Walk a straight line perfectly sober
Dance/walk in time
Examples of things I can do
Use low impact, elliptical machines
Office work
Walk at least an hour with little side effects
Show off my awesome scars
And apparently, I can rollerblade.
How you ask?
Quite simple. You have to really buckle down your skates, and your ankle/foot isn't supposed to be able to wriggle. No wriggling, no straining, fracturing, breaking or aching!
YAY! Also it's something the future hubs loves to do, and I am prepared to look like a fool for him.
yay that something he got you to do that i never could!