Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Insult me?

We had a solicitor to come to the door (we had 3 actually, all from the same cult)

One was this college age girl, very annoying with a smoker's voice and a perm and a piece of steel shot through her eyebrow. She was all peppy high-5 talking a mile a minute about some contest or another for her communications class where if her team wins she goes to Fiji... whatever.

She asked if I ever was out of the country, so I humored her and said I went to the Bahamas to which she replied...

"Oh I bet you got sunburnt really bad."

"Why do you say that?"

"Cause you're really pale."

"Listen sweetheart, maybe you don't pay attention in class because your head is filled with thoughts of Fiji and good looking local boys and alcohol, but I am pretty damn sure they don't tell you to insult someone you are trying to sell something too. And when I was in school. which was 6 months ago, they had you selling candy bars, not magazines. Thirdly, if you want to go so bad, get a job and save up, it's easier than conning people into magazines they don't want. Also, in case you didn't notice, there are large signs at each entrance saying we dont accept solicitors, so you leave now, or I call the courtesy officer on you."

Kids these days.

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