Yesterday I frantically ran around trying to find a pair of jeans.
These are torn
Those don't fit anymore
Hmm have you seen my dark blue ones?
Finally I settled on a pair of khakis. Haven't worn them since I started working at my last company, and they barely fit then.
Will they fit?
I tried them on, apprehensive.
Sucking in, holding my breath, bum nice and tight.
Turns out, didn't need to.
They are actually a little baggy.
It was awesome.
Worked my first two hours on my new job
Went to mom's
took a Vivarin
it's like legal speed
kept me up later than i wanted
so I chugged some NyQuil
slept like a baby
dreamed of meeting the trainer in person
that my best friend was taller than me (she barely breaks 5' and I'm 5'5.5)
Work my next hour in a few minutes.
I wonder how I will do not doped up on speed
Nothing was grown on my farm, save for some bananas, so I decided I would blog.
Aren't I sweet
weeeee back in jeans