This week, two superheroes battle it out to see who is the financial victor
Our contenders Instant Gratification Girl, a bubbly blonde who only lives for self satisfaction
Versus her opponent, Denial Man, who is the so-called Voice of Common Sense.
Lets join in on the action!
Instant Gratification Girl: I want a wii for Christmas
Denial Man: You sold our wii because we didnt use it
IGG: I promise to use it every day!
Suddenly, she uses her wily charms, pulling out her famous "eye batting" move! CAN HE RESIST?
DM: We'll see.
What's this? Denial Man looking longingly at a ps3?
Instant Grat Girl catches him in the act!
We can get one of those too!
Denial man is hesitant.
You only want a wii for a few games
he says, triumphant, surely this will sway her
But Instant Grat Girl has cunning. You only want the ps3 for one game, she fires back
Who will win this battle of wits and coin?
Find out, next week!