Saturday, January 30, 2010


Is it sad the highlight of my day is blogging?
Or how much I really enjoy having a digital diary of sorts.
Weird, how everyone likes a diary, yet we are all worried about privacy
And blogs are diaries that anyone can read.

I sometimes wonder why I like blogging
Here I am baring my soul and my fat rolls for all to see
Yet I know lots of people do the same

Mind-boggling to me, and I even grew up in the computer age!

Anyway, today I am not feeling so hot.
Other than that, I made a calendar in Google Calendar
I put in 3 days of curves, and 2 days of EA Active, as well as doing crunches every other day.

I dont mind have a lot of T&A, I just hate having a tummy.
Hopefully lots of cardio and strength training as well as crunches will get me slimming down in no time.

The weekends are always so long for me, probably because I stay home all week anyway, so its nothing to look forward to. Soon I hope to get my car back so I can go places during the week.


I feel much better now! I had ...something horrible wrong with me hehe I think its because I didnt get any sleep. The soy milk shake I had didn't agree with me. I had to venture out in the cold, I was wearing only capri workout pants and my fur coat over a sweatshirt! It was freezing cold! I ran into the store grabbed a couple bottles of whatever I thought would help, then checked out ran to the car started chugging antacids lol

I was so miserable I couldnt lay down, sit, stand up, I felt constantly ill, hot flashes cold sweats. But my little berry flavoured antacids cured whatever it was

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