Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Feelin' good

Today I wake up (about 10 minutes ago actually)
I strip down. Step on the scale.
I am down 2 lbs from yesterday, and .6 from my lowest weight.

Soon I will be in Onederland. Onederland how I have missed you. I promise I will not visit this time, I will make you my permanent home. You are no longer a vacation spot.



  1. That is so awesome!! How the hell are you doing it? I'm stuck...well, not stuck...I'm starving and gaining...wtf is that about??
    Good job!! I'm impressed! Keep it up!!
    And btw, I smile everytime i come to your blog and see your little people at the top...I love 'em!

  2. Hello Terry thank you for your comment and of course the compliment hehe! my husband made them for me and is always willing to add something else to his portfolio (hint hint)

    I am on a 1400 calorie diet and I honestly try to eat things "worthwhile" I eat a lot of protein (especially chicken) and even though I am hungry a lot and hate exercising, I still make myself do it because I don't want to keep gaining. YOU are worth it. Don't let the scale define who you are or will be. Keep trying. One day, you will notice something different and it will help you stay motivated. I hope that helps! Its such a long reply! :)

  3. yay go geebly go geebly ooops i let it out hi geebly


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