Tuesday, August 3, 2010

On Plan

Today I:

-got up at 12:30 pm to make hubby's lunch and spend a few minutes with him before he left.
-went back to bed at 1p,
-slept until 4 pm
-made a bag of microwave popcorn, without any salt or butter.
-ate the entire bag.
-had a glass of apple juice (.5 serving of fruit)
-did a load of dishes
-took the moving handlebars off of my stationary bike. (I don't feel they work out my arms and they hit me a lot if I try to change my song on my ipod)
-tested out the bike. I like it a lot.

Still left to do:

-make spaghetti.
-sing a song based on the tune of "Bootylicious" by Destiny's Child while making spaghetti... I don't think you're ready for my sketti...
-work out for an hour. I think I'll do 30 day shred for 30 minutes and bike for 30.
-load of laundry.

what an exhausting day, no wonder I sleep half of it away haha

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a productive day. Please share the spaghetilicous song with us... share the lyrics at least.

    I wish I could sleep til 1 pm. Not even on weekends can I sleep in. It's what happens when you get old. Enjoy it while you can.

    I'm typing and to my left I have 2 loads of laundry to fold. I'd rather read blogs.


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