I had a chiro appointment today. I thought it was tomorrow, but I was wrong. I also had to cancel my Thursday appointment. I am attending a funeral that morning. One of Brian's cousins passed away unexpectedly, and they are holding the funeral before the holidays. The last funeral I think I went to was my paternal grandfathers. I can't remember for sure, though. It was a long time ago.
Anyway... on to happier things, I suppose.
I don't bruise easily. Well, that's not true. I do bruise, but its never visible. It takes a lot of muscle abuse for it to show up. I remember once I got a huge bruise on my hip because I fell out of bed in the middle of the night and landed on a typewriter I had by my bed. I thought typewriters were so cool and old fashioned.
I have no balance so I run into things a lot, and in the process, get pretty banged up. My body has gotten used to it, so that the muscle will be sore and it will feel like a bruise but it wont show. I'm very lucky I landed with such a nice husband.
My chiro, Dr N, massages my leg muscles. He said that it will most likely bruise a little bit, and yes it is painful, but it will get stronger. I thought, yeah right, I will just be sore.
No, I bruised. And I bruised BAD! I have actual bruises going down my leg from my knee to my ankle and they are in the shape of his fingers! They are all black and ugly, and hardly painful at all. Do you know how to get rid of a bruise? You massage it. (Also, ice, ibuprofen, and heat work well. Strangely all the things I have been doing...)
So the cause is the treatment, in this case.
But in other news, I am actually getting a lot stronger he said. I can push against him with more force and my knee is grinding less and less. Good thing too, because I just found out I owe $43 a session now out of pocket. That's $86 a week. And my health savings would cover that, but I only get $215 a month from that. That leaves me to cover the additional cost out of pocket. And that is not including my insoles, which are $200! I need the insoles. I also need to do the exercises and the more I do at home the less I have to go in.
That means also I wont be able to get my glasses and new contacts until probably March. Sigh. My insurance will pay for most of this and they may even give me a refund later, so that would be hella cool.
In other news, I've been doing very well in my training. Our last day is tomorrow and Thursday is my first day of taking live phone calls. Super excited!! I have been doing really well on the tests (which are brutal) and my last one is tomorrow. I can't wait to be done!! When I graduate training I get a $2/hr pay hike.
In unrelated news: I am officially obsessed with Minecraft. Brian's been playing it a lot and I just got my own account and didn't get "the bug" until last night when we were laying in bed thinking of how to better develop our server. It's taken on the appearance of a little town so we are going to have to expand on that. I have a bunch of really cool ideas and have already mapped them out. I know its probably nothing that someone else hasnt come up with but still, its fun.
Okay I have to go make my dinner now. Chicken and rice :) Yum.
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