Friday, December 31, 2010

Of Stress and Barbecue Chicken Pizza

Today was awful emotionally.

I got on the scale and it was 215.0 even, so yay! down some weigh again. Must have been all the Zumba and the good eating.

Work is insanely stressful- to the point that I am taking 2 Xanax a day (previously, I might have taken one a month) I actually had a few breakdowns today where on my breaks I just openly sobbed until I had to go back. Part of me realizes that from Christmas through January is the busiest month for the Company but still... the other half of me just wants to quit so bad.

I don't think I've ever wanted to quit anything as bad as I do now. I feel like such a loser admitting that, but this is worse than the other company I worked for when they were laying off everyone.

This is more stress than I felt working 50 hours a week, going to school full time, and starting to plan my life together with Brian.

I really don't think that I am cut out to be a customer support agent. I don't really like talking to people and that's all this job is!

But I promised myself that I will stick with it through the month of January, and if I *still* hate it and I am *still* stressed out, I am going to quit.

Sorry I'm not sorry.

On that note: I ordered pizza tonight- half chicken bbq and half pepperoni for Brian. I ate all my half . It was delicious and it was worth it.

1 comment:

  1. ick. nothing worse than a job that's the wrong fit for you. hope things change for you. hand in there.


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