Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 11- The Serious and Official Graduation to Level 2

Today was day 11 and therefore the first day of my next 10 on level 2. It is HARD omg... I don't know how to do a plank-anything and there are lots of planks/pushups. I feel like I am no where ready to be doing this level but you know what? Can't get better at it if I back down.

I am so sweaty. Every pore is just pouring out sweat. I am so hot, out of breath, and shaky. I am expecting a lot of pain later in the day as well as tomorrow, just because I could feel my muscles aching as I was doing this. My poor legs are protesting so bad.

The plank twists in the last minute of Ab work is brutal; I can effectively do 3 of them. And I think I hurt something as I heard it *crunch*! Eep.

I also went on a 45 minute walk with the dog today and we got really muddy. So I earned 9 Aps today! The most in a single day, ever, I think!! Maxwell also got a bath and that is my next stop, a shower for me. I smell like dog, sweat, and mud. Sexy.

I can't believe any one can do this. But I guess I am doing it, right? Disbelief. Empowerment. Courage. Strength. I feel so much stronger. I am seriously at that moment where I am so amazed with myself I might actually start crying.

Just two more days until I take my measurements and pictures!! I am so excited!! I have a spine again! And a small of my back!! I can feel my collar bones wanting to make an appearance, its almost like wisdom teeth coming in, I cant stop running my fingers over them, just wanting them to break through the layer of fat hiding them. Someone rub some rum over them haha

"Can you stay strong? Can you go on? Kristy, are you doing okay?" -the Offspring, Kristy are you doing okay

1 comment:

  1. yay for activity points try to keep them and i bet your weight just falls off


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