Oh yes, Brian and I are currently obsessed with Harry Potter. I mean, we are obsessed.
We watched all of the DVDs a few nights in a row up to Deathly Hallows: Part 1. We have not seen DH: Part 2, so please don't ruin it for us. We have both read the books but forgotten what has happened in the books. I remember the epilogue so I know how it ends, I just forget how the end gets to be the end. Ha!
Anyway, Part 2 comes to DVD November 11th, and Brian wants to buy it the day it comes out. I agree. I'd rather buy the whole set (because you know there is going to be a whole set)
We came up with the idea to have a Harry Potter Party (for 2) and I am going to make Butterbeer, chocolate frogs, and another HP treat, I may make something classically British. I downloaded the eBook of the Unofficial Cookbook for the Harry Potter world and it comes with a lot of traditional British recipes, which all sound... interesting. Treacle fudge? Steak and Kidney Pie? Spotted Dick? I don't know about any of those!
But I am willing to give it a go! Butterbeer is super easy- I've found several websites with the recipe and I know Brian will love it! Chocolate frogs- again, easy- just melt some chocolate and pour in frog molds.
Brian also wants me to make (crochet or knit) us a Harry Potter afghan with the Hogwarts House colors and crest, and he wants me to make him a Ravenclaw scarf. He wants me to make Max a doggy sweater with the Hufflepuff crest on it. He's a little ambitious. Ha! But it's a challenge I am up to. He wants me to make a little baby Slytherin sweater for Drake.
I'm thinking of picking up a knitting loom so I can make these quicker than with crochet. He's cracking me up because he thinks about Harry Potter just as much as I do. Every once in a while, he will throw out a question "Why do you think [so and so] did [such and such]?" It's on the brain!
We have all the audio books (the British version!) which are read by Stephen Fry, and we listen to them while we work on our respective tasks- Brian while doodling, me while crocheting for the baby blanket.
We have been seeing Harry Potter stuff EVERYwhere. Friends (who we don't really chat to) are posting Harry Potter fan art on our Facebook pages. Legos. Posters.
I even found a library book with Harry Potter knit crafts. Oh how I wish I knew how to knit! I am definitely going to learn for the heck of it. Brian thinks knitting is a noble art (far better than crochet, because it seems 'less full of holes')
So.... any one else like Harry Potter?
Fan of the films here. I haven't read the books yet, but I enjoy fantasy of all kinds. We're hoping to spend a day in Harry Potter land in Universal during our Orlando wedding/honeymoon next year. :)
ReplyDeleteHave you thought about taking commissions and sharing your skills on etsy.com or something like that?