Thursday, December 15, 2011

Week 38: Update


No apologies here for the caps, I am that freakin' excited. I really hope the baby comes SOONER rather than later... but whatever!!! I have a deadline in sight.

The doctor's appointment was pretty standard. I had the urine check, the blood pressure check, the weigh in. All good. I actually went down 2 lbs from my last weigh in, which is completely normal at this stage in the game.

I had wondered if I would lose weight, as I noticed I have a lot more limited space in my stomach. As of now, total weight gain for the baby is 33 lbs- completely average!

Then came the pelvic exam. I was so eager to see if I had made any progress.


Except I didn't. I didn't even stay at 1 cm dilated. I'm back to 0.

Fully closed. The Labor Express is not stopping at the Cervix Station. Closed for renovations.

I am a little sad. More than a little. I almost cried in the doctor's office as I was getting dressed. But you know, every pregnancy is different and just because I appear to be going backwards instead of forwards, that doesn't mean that it can't all change in a few hours from now or tomorrow. That's the most frustrating part of being pregnant. Even for me, as I am not a control freak, it is very hard to accept that things aren't going the way I had wanted them to. I can only imagine the anguish it would cause someone who was very type A lol :)

Brian and I were making predictions on when the baby would actually make an appearance. He said December 31st, at 11:30 pm. I say January 3rd- result of an induction. But really, it's all up in the air. Like I said he could decide to come now, tomorrow, or next week. There is just no telling with this baby. I do know that he is healthy, he is active, and I am thankful for that. All I can do is my best to relax and focus on other things. Like laundry and finishing up that scarf, napping and cuddling with my pooch. Spending lazy days like this with my husband. Playing Words With Friends and Family Feud on the iPad. Making more videos on YouTube haha.

I haven't taken the bump picture yet. I'm very tired at the moment. The weather is really doing a number on me and it's been a long day, considering I didn't fall asleep until nearly 8 and was up at noon.

Time for a nap!

1 comment:

  1. Okay since I have been in the business of telling you the truth-probably the next visit your doctor is going to sweep your membranes if you aren't moving along. It's uncomfortable but only lasts seconds. Pretty sure it wasn't in the what to expect book!


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