Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weigh in Week #7

Woohoo! I didn't track all week... what can I say, I don't have any excuse. I just didn't.

Anyway, I lost 2 lbs. Total loss: 6 lbs from start. That's .9 lbs a week on average, and I am happy with that. It's okay for me.

I find myself having a little bit less time than usual... Drake is being very fussy and demanding with food today. He will sleep, drink an ounce, sleep for 5-10 minutes, eat an ounce, repeat. He finally woke up at 5:30 pm for some play time today. I bet he will be up all night. And tonight is the only night I have off work this week, so I was hoping for an early bed time. Sigh.

Anyway, I am really happy with my loss! Pretty soon I'll be back to where I was pre-preggers. Then I can start on this journey from where I left off.


  1. E went through a spurt like that around 10 weeks. It passed. Congrats on your weight loss!

  2. Way to go with the weight loss! :) Losing about 1lb/week is HUGE, if you think about it in the grand scheme. You'll be down almost 50lbs this year!


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