Project Big Red X
I have been doing pretty well on tracking but I think I need that extra motivator, and my mom came up with a great idea. Get one of those old fashioned (ie paper) calendars and hang it somewhere, and a red marker and put a real, big red X on each day that I track. And to track for 90 days.
So that is my new challenge: Track for 90 days straight. Everything that I put in my face, goes into eTools and if I do that, at the end of the day before bed, put a big red X on the day to cross it off.
I will start today. Does anyone else want to join me in the challenge? If anyone is interested, I will make up a cute little button/banner or something so we can all share it on our blogs and be part of some awesome club. If no one else does, it means all the more glory for me!!! But we can all be accountable with one another and be all best-buds, joined in solidarity and other such things. We can do it!!
I have my own challenge I'm working on. Want to be accountability buddies? For me, it's LOGGING on MyFitnessPal AND working out for at least 30 minutes EVERY DAY. Surely I can figure that in! I'd like to add in there writing one blog for my Wellness blog/week (min). Gotta stay focused, cause we're worth it! and you know damn well we can do this.