Thursday, May 23, 2013

Random Word Vomit

This week several interesting things have happened, both good and not so good.

-Drake now throws away all of his own diapers, even the poopy ones.
-Sometimes, he also throws away other things. Like video games, controllers, and dog toys.
-He loves it when you read to him.
-He also demands you read a book even if he is no longer interested in sitting still- YOU HAVE TO FINISH THE BOOK. Or he has a meltdown
-I don't tolerate meltdowns very well.
-Meltdowns are frequent in my house lately, and not all of them are Drake's.
-Nap time has been reduced to one 1-hr nap.
-Bed time has been pushed back from 7pm to 8:-30-9 pm.
-On the bright side, wake up time is usually around 9 or 10 am :)
-Drake destroyed his favorite book this afternoon.
-I am pleased. I hate that book. (FYI: It was Is Your Mama a Llama?)
-I finally started taking pictures of interesting and/or funny things that have happened to me lately.
-The bad news is they are all iPad photos.
-My iPad got corrupted and I had to restore to factory defaults, thereby losing EVERYTHING on my iPad.
-I never backed it up on the computer because I didn't have time for that.
-Guess what I do now? NOT BACK IT UP.
-I lost 2.3 lbs last week.
-Just 3.3 lbs until I hit my 10% lost goal!
-I only went to the gym once last week.
-I haven't been to the gym this week either.
-Brian told me tonight he wants to start going to the gym with me once or twice a week and he even has a baby sitter arranged so we can go.
-I am both mystified and inspired by this.
-I have been hanging out with friends around a fire for a few hours after Brian and Drake go to bed. Yay for being independent!
-Woodchuck cider is now my new favorite alcoholic beverage as it is only 2 points+. And it tastes like... cider. Go figure.
-I bought some supplies to start up my Etsy business for realsies this time.
-I have no idea where I put any of it.
-I have been using my self-tanner daily. I'm kidding. More like 2-3 times a week. I am still streaky- but only where my arm fat meets my boob fat.
-I made my own body scrub and it was fantastic. My legs have never been smoother after shaving.
-Loki (the cat) got out of the apartment and hung out at a neighbor's all day.
-I had no idea he was missing.
-The fluffy monster is so miserable in this heat, the poor bastard.
-I'm shaving him tomorrow.
-Yes. There WILL be pictures.
-My hair is growing out super fast.
-I owe it to coconut oil and biotin. Seriously. I take two biotin capsules a day, and once a week I deep condition my hair with coconut oil, leaving it in for 20 minutes while I derp around on the internet, then I shampoo it out (sometimes twice, if I put too much oil in) and it is super SOFT. It also stripped my hair of the dark brown I had put on it, and now it is my natural light brown/dark blonde color.

Now, time to gargle and rinse.


  1. Hmmm, I've been trying vitamin E supplements for stronger hair/nails but haven't really noticed a difference. I will look into biotin!

    1. Try coconut oil too! It really makes your hair super soft. I dye my hair a lot and it's so soft. A little goes a long way. I take two 5000 mcg capsules a day of biotin.


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