Friday, February 13, 2009

Awkward and Fake?

Is every person who is into baking and cooking and has a blog, fake? Are they all pretending to be Martha Stewart?

Not to mention my favorite chef, Rachael Ray, has a TV show now where they hardly cook. Yesterday's episode she helped wayward brides have the weddings of their dreams in a sports stadium?

Sorry, Rach, but I would NEVER get married on the baseball diamond or astroturf. That would almost be an insult to my character.

This sort of saddens me, as I love to cook. If I get better at it, will I become fake and super cheerful over food? I wanted to take a Wilton class sometime...but if it means losing my flair, then forget it.

I had come across a blog I thought would be awesome, she makes awesome cakes and cookies and she took a few classes and stuff... but she still writes fake. Just tries a little too hard. And people eat it up.

It's ok, internet, I don't want to be popular for the wrong reasons. I did it in highschool, I can do it again. (I was popular in college, but it was predominately a male school... shh.)

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