Thursday, July 2, 2009

(Wo)Man vs Wild

When I was growing up, Mom gave me this advice:

"If you get lost, hug a tree and scream"

I've been watching Man vs Wild, and my mom asked why.

"So I can survive if I get lost," I said.

She laughed, "I'd be hugging a tree and screaming, and you'd be building a signal fire!"

It's kinda gross watching Bear Grylls eat grubs, spiders, scorpions, and various other things... but then I compare it to the people who got lost in the Andes and ate their own friends and family to survive.

Then, its not so bad. Yeah, I probably wouldn't like to eat a spider whole... but I know it's more tolerable than eating someone's brain.

I find it all fascinating, but I'd likely get stuck in the middle of nowhere because of traveling, with out any supplies. Like a parachute, knife, flint, or anything else useful.

In the end, I'd be hugging a tree and screaming too.

1 comment:

  1. If you get lost in the woods and hug a tree and scream that may work, but I dont know if it would work if you were lost in the city. Would you hug a fire hydrant and scream. Maybe hot fireman would help you find your way home


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