Thursday, February 25, 2010


I have been reading other people's weight loss blogs and decided to do a list of motivators.

1. One year anniversary is in 12 weeks. We want to go to Mackinac island and cycle around. Need to be fitter for this.
2. I am short. 5ft5. I should not be carrying excess of 200lbs on my frame. I should be at 150-160 max. Probably lower, like 140. But I'm shooting for 160.
3. I am young. No one at my age should be feeling decades older. I should be out, having fun, wearing teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikinis, being thrown in the water by hubby.
4. My body can't take it anymore. It hurts to move, to sleep, to sit, to do anything. I get heartburn. Indigestion that hurts so bad its to the point where I vomit, just to make the bad thing go away. Lots of bad things I don't want getting any worse. (On a side note, it's been almost a month since I've had indigestion that badly, I don't miss it)
5. I was thin. I remember it. Though I got "healthy/fit" confused with "people have different body frames" and spent most my thin life striving to be something I couldn't.
6.Yesterday, I didn't think I could ride my stationary bike for longer than 10 minutes. 15 minutes was impossible. Today, I did it. And then later, I did another five. It really showed me that most of my battle, is in my brain.
7. My abs are sore. I notice they hurt whenever I move, when I breathe, when I do just about anything. Then I realized, I am subconsciously holding in my stomach. Wow, something I struggled to do for months. And now it's almost always automatic.
8. I have loads more energy. Not that I do anything with it. Except ride Stella.
9. I dream of being skinny. Pretty sure its a premonition now.
10. If others can lose 150+ lbs in a year, then who is stopping me from losing my 75? No one but me.

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