Thursday, April 15, 2010

We interrupt your regulary scheduled program...

I wrote a blog yesterday making a bit of a joke. My husband was relaying the news to me and could have sworn that I had told him, but I was unaware of it. Anyway, as my add mind does, we had an interesting conversation as a joke, and I thought it was funny, however it may not actually be. I apologise if this offended anyone.

Good night x


  1. VERY curious. What on earth did you post? Are you really tall?

    I couldn't find it, so now my insatiable curiosity is threatening to overtake me!

  2. I'm sorry if anyone took offense. I could see the humor despite the serious content of the underlying story.

  3. LOL Journey- No i am incredibly short, I stand at 5ft5 on a good day. I got the short end of the genetic stick, my dad's family is really short, at 5ft8 he is the tallest lol. My moms family is tall but she has short stubby legs that I inherited, so I am short with shorter legs lol :(

    Kyle- thanks but it upset my gramma and that isnt something i intended

  4. silly gramma thank you squirt gramma loves you :>)


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