Thursday, May 27, 2010

Am I done yet?

I hopped on my bike last night, and was riding. The whole time I kept thinking "only XX amount of calories/miles to go" and that ended up seeming very daunting. After 25.00 minutes I had only managed to go 3.6 miles and was at 360 calories. It was very discouraging to keep looking at what I had done and realizing it was nowhere close to the goal I had set for myself.

Maybe it was an unrealistic goal. Maybe my head wasn't in the game.

but at one point, I realized, instead of looking at how far I have *left to go* to look at *how far I have come*

Instead of whining that I was still 640 calories shy of my goal, I should have been looking at it like "woohoo I've already done 360 calories, I'm awesome"

Today I hopped on my bike for a quick 100 cal ride, one of many today. If I can spare 6-10 minutes 4 or 5 times a day, I can get in 500+ calories easy.

Still today I caught myself, counting down. I'm at 35 calories, only 65 left to go. Instead I was like woohoo, I've already gone 35 calories, thats a lot of a few moments of sitting here.

Its hard to change how I am thinking and I am wondering if that is the biggest part of the game. Am I strong enough in the mind to keep going when my inner voice tells me I should be done? Am I strong enough to ignore the voice that says "Am I done yet?"

Can I keep pushing myself? I believe the answer is "yes" I may not do it all at once, but I'll be damned if I dont get to the point where I can do a half marathon on a bike. I can already go almost 10 miles. Just 3.1 more and I will be there. That is awesome. Just to think last year at this time I could barely do anything like that, and to do a complete 180 and want to drive myself a little further each time makes me feel that much more successful.

I have all the time in the world to get my weight under control. Some people dont have that luxury, having to balance work, school, kids. I am lucky that I dont have to worry about any of that. I can do anything I put my mind to because right now, all I have is time. Stop twiddling your thumbs, Christie, and get your ass on the bike. Is it that hard? No. Do I always want to do it? No. Do I feel fantastic afterward? YES.

Today the scale said 224.2 down from 227.0 yesterday. My weight is fluctuating like crazy, and I am about done bothering with the scale.

PS: Hubby got the job. I knew he would.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to your hubby on the job!

    Also, as you get more fit, you will find it harder to burn the same amount of calories in the same activity for the same length of time.

    So definitely keep celebrating what you've done and worry less about how much is left to go.


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