Wednesday, May 19, 2010


No its not the skinny witch we all want to be and subsequently hate, but a thin hamburger bun.

A bakery in my town makes them. At 90 calories, they are half the size of a regular hamburger bun. I was a bit skeptic, because they are whole wheat and I could have gotten the regular whole wheat buns for only 110 calories, but when I compared other nutritional information, I went with the slimwich, although I was still skeptic.

Weighing in at 90 calories, this bun packs a punch, 5 grams of fiber per serving. Also, 4 of those are insoluble fiber, you know, the good kind! Woohoo!

They are also extremely soft, another concern I had. Wouldn't they be hard or stale? Thats the beauty of buying local. They may be thinner too, than a regular bun, but actually are bigger in diameter. Our 4oz patties had a little bit of wiggle room on there, and I have to say it was the most delicious hamburger I've had on a thin bun. I also love the honey buns that this company makes, but at 250 calories a bun, I think I'll have to forgo that pleasure for now, and just eat off my 90 calorie bun.

If you are anything like my husband, you love a good burger! We have been buying pre-made fresh patties from the store and its 8.00 a package of 8 burgers. Throw in a dollar fifty for the buns, and two bucks for the cheese (unless you have those at home) and you have a grand total of 11.50 for 8 burgers. Divide that out, and you are looking at 1.43 a burger!

Nice! Considering even at the cheap fast food joints we would easily spend $12 a trip, and sometimes 3 trips a day, I think I am saving on money big time, not to mention calories. I can forget the mayo and be okay with it. Im not putting artificial ingredients in them to make me crave them. Im not charging 2.00 for a small burger. And I dont have the temptation of fries or sodas either.

Oh, I know it was a Curves day, but I'm headed off to the zoo instead. See ya~


  1. I think anytime that you can also support a local provider, the better. I bet the ingredient list is much more recognizable too! Well done.

  2. Thats so great. Anytime that you take control of your food it is better. You know exactly what you are eating and putting into your body. Good job! Now Im hungry for a burger.


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