Friday, May 28, 2010


I didnt go to Curves. I slept instead.
I went to my moms. My best friend was home from out of town and we made her a big meal of lasagna. Hubby got the morning off work so he could come too! we had lots of fun.

I hopped on the scale before leaving and it said 223.2 which is down from 224.5 yesterday and 227 the day before. I am proud that I am once again seeing downward movement. I so desperately want to be out of the 220s so I am going to try extra extra hard and track everything that I eat, exercise more.

I really missed going to Curves today, I feel like something is missing hehe I guess its good that I like it. Maybe I will go Tuesday as they are closed on Monday. I dont have a lot planned today, but I have a really busy weekend, ending with grilled steaks and a movie on Monday, so I have to plan out what I am going to eat all weekend, budgeting in the good time.

I am hoping that I can finish my doily I've got going on today, I'm almost done, on round 8 of 11. Maybe I can block it out today. I was thinking of selling some on etsy or artfire, once I am able to whip them up pretty quickly.

I like being artsy fartsy lol :)


  1. Such fun today. Curves again on Tuesday would like to pay them before i go again hehe. You have been posting a lot and i keep missing them you should put a link on facebook. I am very proud of you I know you worry that you might not be able to do it.....but what if you can!!

  2. I just gave you an award. Check out my blog to see.

  3. yes what if you can ? i know you can love u too


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