Friday, December 10, 2010

The Devil Incarnate

I found him. The devil. Satan. Beelzebub. I found the Morning Star, the Fallen Angel. What ever you want to call him. I prefer to call him...

Found at
The Weight Watchers Ice Cream Candy Bar.

This little slice of heaven is now 4 PointsPlus. But that didn't stop me buying it, opening the package in the car, devouring one on the way home, and eating two more inside of an hour of getting home. No.

Nor did it stop me from eating one this morning.

Along with 2 blueberry bagels.

My inner glutton won.

But you know what?? They just get more delicious. Arent you supposed to, I dont know, find each one less satisfying the more you eat? Isn't that what everyone says?

They have never tried this. Because if they had, they would start whistling a different tune.

PS. I apologize if I got all of Satan's names wrong. I'm not very up to date on my terminology.

I got to go. I need to eat another one of those candy bars go to class


  1. Oh, don't buy those again. I had one last night and they are all I can think about!

  2. I know that when I eat "healthy" sweets, I usually end up eating more of them because I've been depriving myself and while they're good, the flavor isn't quite as rich and I end up overcompensating for that.

  3. Oh no.. thanks for the warning, I´ve been meaning to buy me some of these.

  4. oh and I´ve given you an award...


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