Monday, December 27, 2010

New Games and First Impressions

Well just to let you know I got another new game for my Xbox 360. I got Your Shape: Fitness Evolved. It got great reviews (8.1 out of 10) but my first impressions of it were "meh"

It starts up showing a fat person on the screen... I was like oh how cool it shows a fat person is it going to do an intro so you can see them get in shape? Then I realized it was ME. I was the fat person. I am the fat person. WTF

But I decided to start a profile anyway.

First off it "scans" you for your height and where your key muscles are. It pegged my biceps in the right place but my abdominals were on my tits (?) and my hamstrings were on my gut (??) then it told me that I was only 2'9" tall. I am 5'5" thank you very much.

You can't edit this information either.

I think for this game I will have to readjust the kinect sensor and see if that helps.

There are fitness classes like cardio boxing and zen, as well as personal training sessions, and then gym games. The cardio boxing I thought was going to be a blast, but it was rather slow paced. Maybe its because I was only allowed to do the "bronze" level.

The personal training is kind of slow paced too, and very awkward.

The only thing I really liked was this "punch out" game where you bust blocks...which I could totally do on Kinect Adventures!

I will try it again though. I spent some Christmas money on it so at least there was that.

Zumba on the other hand (got a 5.4 out of 10 on reviews) was awesome. I loved it a lot. I had so much fun dancing and it really wore me out. I was working up a sweat in no time.

Brian and I also spent some more of our Christmas money on an ergonomic keyboard and a new mouse. Yeah, geeky, I know.


  1. Thats so weird that you have abs in your tatas...;)

    Glad ou had fun with Zumba though!! That workout is amazing!!! :D


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