Wednesday, February 9, 2011

30 Day Shred- Day 5 (Level 2)

I said I was going to try out level 2 of 30 Day Shred today. I also promised my friend Alexia that I would recount every excruciating detail of this work out. Alexia- This one is for you!

1:00 pm: Woke up because Maxwell demanded that I not sleep in today. This dog is killer.
2:00 pm: Really think about how I should do the 30 Day Shred, but remembered I am supposed to do Level 2. Consider chickening out. Watch the Level 2 workout and cry on the inside
3:00- 5:00 pm: Do a couple of hours of work
5:00-5:30 pm: Eat 2 cups of dry Honey Nut Cheerios while I watch Level 3, thinking maybe level 2 isn't that bad. This tactic does not work.
6:00 pm: Search for clean clothes to work out in. Can't find my bra, and my boobs still hurt from the last few days of jumping around. Look up high impact sports bras for big women and find a few but no one takes Paypal online, and that pisses me off.
6:30 pm: Back to the bra search. Finally settle on two regular bras and a flimsy sports bra. My boobs are smooshed up to my chin, but they aren't going anywhere. Do some jumping jacks. Pleased with self, even if I feel a little ridiculous.
6:45 pm: Hook up the laptop to the TV, and the phone to the laptop and load up Shred. Blast it.
6:47-7:17 pm: Do the Shred. And die.

The second level is much much harder than the first. I thought the first seemed to go on forever, luckily level 2 is a lot quicker paced, but the exercises are much harder. There are jumping oblique twists, plank jacks, and a bunch more plank moves. I have such a hard time with planks. I can hold it maybe 2 seconds, but I think as I get more flexible/stronger I will be able to do them longer.

The last 2 minutes of cardio killed me. I was unable to complete that part of the circuit. I lay down like a wounded bear and just huffed and puffed. The last minute of abs were oblique plank twists, which combined two things I struggle with: balance and planks! So that was also very difficult and challenging, to put it positively.

The strength training is Buh-Roo-TAL. It is insane. My arms and my legs are so shaky. I feel like I am going to die as I type this. I don't know if I will be able to walk down stairs to take my dog out. I am not even joking, that is how bad I hurt.

I was sweating in just a few minutes and it hasn't stopped yet. At least my deodorant is working, I smell like flowers instead of onions and unwashed feet.

I do have to say that I did better than I thought I was going to, and that I have a new appreciation for level 1, which I will be returning to tomorrow. I might start up level 2 again on day 11. But thats only 6 short days away and I am already crying. I don't know if I will ever make it to level three but that is not going to stop me from trying it at least once.

Day 5 of 30 completed, 17% complete.

Now if you will excuse me, I am going to go sob until I fall asleep and then repeat for tomorrow.


  1. Ok, you are like a superwoman! You have such willpower to push thru that workout!!

    Honestly, I kind of have a little problem with the video... yeah, it works. I get it. But its so damn hard and makes you so sore, how are you supposed to do it every day? The day after I did it, there was nooo way I could done it again. I guess you just gotta push thru! lol

    Seriously im impressed!

    I did the Shred the other day, which inspired this post, titled, Are you effing kidding me, Jillian Michaels? lol -

  2. You are a CRACK UP... i can't imagine you smelling like onions and unwashed feet. Great job ont the shred. I just brought home my shred from the office (don't ask me why it was there) but I'm gonna start up in the mornings. I'm with you on Level 2... INSANE! Can you believe my daugher does Level 1, 2 & 3 back to back. Yea, I know, it's crazy.

    Great job friend...

  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAH. I'm sorry, but how you express your pain is hilarious. You've inspired me: I'm going to do the second one on friday and let you know how it goes :))))

    hahaha. glad jillian worked you!

  4. OMG!! I just started this same workout!! It is SO intense!! I am now scared to move to level 2!!

  5. Just wanted to say hi. I found you through Trisha's blog and am definitely going to follow. I may not always comment, but I'll definitely be reading. ;p


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