My first dentist appointment in 4 years.
I had an hour and a half cleaning.
2 small, itty bitty cavities that are in no big hurry to fix
I do have some gum recession, partly due to gingivitis.
I thought gingivitis was a bad thing (and it can be) but really, it means you have a lot of plaque/tartar. And they dug it all out from under my gums so they are a little sore.
But that's ok. I have really thick enamel on my teeth, and that means I just have to look after my gums more.
It's a small price to pay.
The two fillings? $430. The exam? $170. $600/8 (4 years, 2 cleanings a year) = $75
So, its really not that bad.
My instructions are: "Floss, and brush your gums more."
Late April I go back for the cavities. It's really cool how they do it they take this white stuff the same color as your teeth and match it up, shove it in the hole, and then use UV light to harden it. No shots. No needles. No pain.
I also get a 10% discount if I pay with cash on my fillings, so it will really be about $390.
I got compliments on my glasses and my engagement ring while I was there too. ;)
Man, my gums hurt and are swollen and "angry"- as the hygienist said they would be. Time for some Advil. No ice cream :(
Feel better!