Monday, July 11, 2011

Learning Patience

"Patient" is definitely not a word you would use to describe me. I'm impulsive. I have very little patience. I'm the kind of girl who secretly counts down to her birthday (yes, I'll be 24 in exactly 85 days, why do you ask?)

I'm also the kind of girl who wants all her presents NOW please! I hate waiting!

So this is a great time to exercise my patience.

I submitted the second part of the exam for my new job on Thursday. The deadline was this morning, and they won't send out results (whether you pass or fail- they will tell you both) until after the deadline. I've been cruising the forums and a lot of people have said it can take anywhere from 3-4 hours after the deadline (which would have been 7 am my time) or 2 weeks after the deadline. Apparently the length of time has no effect on the results, some people pass in 3 hours, others fail. Some pass at 2 weeks, and others fail. They re-invite you to take the test again though, if you fail, so that's good... I guess.

I feel like this job is perfect for me. Something I really want to do. I read the guidelines and it all made sense to me. I had no questions. I ran the simulation aid and got great results (85%-90% accuracy) and I found out that potentially I could work an unlimited amount of hours...... which would be fantastic.

Not only is this job something I would enjoy, I found out that there is relatively little feedback from the company (aside from reviews) which is another bonus. I work my best when I'm not worried that Supervisor A is breathing down my neck. I can handle constructive crit too (I don't like it... but I can handle it)

So I've resolved to stay away from the computer today until tonight when it's time for bed... I need to stop checking my email every few minutes!

It's a test in patience... and this one I'm going to pass.


  1. Yes, patience is definitely something that's acquired. Keeping my fingers and hoping you get favorable results.


  2. I think you are describing me.. I am the most impatient person in this world. I'm sending you positive vibes and I hope you get it!!!!


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