Monday, December 19, 2011


It's 7:30 am right now. I haven't been to sleep. My feet have been swollen and puffy for the last couple of days, but it's gotten WAY worse tonight. It actually hurts to walk. No amount of foot propping, icing, and Excedrin will get it to go down. Considering this could be an indication of a serious pregnancy-related condition, I'm calling my doctor when his office opens... in 30 minutes. Sigh.

But despite being hobbled and having my feet propped up all day, I've finally finished my BIL's scarf! Yay! It turned out GREAT and he loved it! He said it was his new favorite scarf. I told him when anyone compliments him on it, tell them I made it. And when they ask if I will make them one too... tell them NO. He got a kick out of that.

Here it is, all done!

I also wanted to make something simple and quick for me, because I have yet to crochet anything for myself. Isn't that interesting? EVERY project I have completed has been for someone else. I have never made anything just for me. I whipped up a quick little headband to keep my bangs out of my face.

And because I am killing some time, I decided to start on the baby blanket. Well, really, it is an afghan. It's the circles to squares one I showed you all yesterday.

Of course, I am doing it in baby colors so, here is the first square completed (it took about 20 minutes)

The pattern itself is pretty simple. Single, half double, and double crochet. The hardest part is counting the stitches to make sure I have the correct number! I have to make 16 of those squares total, then 5 of the bigger ones, and then 3 of the largest squares. So far, I've only got the one, and I need to make 15 more of them the exact same size. For reference, it's a 5.5" square. Lots of measuring and counting.

I'm going to go take a shower to waste a bit of time until I can call the doctor. I'm hoping he will get me in today. I can't ignore the swelling feet any longer. It could be a sudden on-set of preeclampsia. If it's not, and I am just paranoid- good! Better safe than sorry at this point.

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